
Mac (she, they) School Wide Support and Aftercare

Mac was mainly raised in the Woodstock/Jhonson Creek area of Portland and has seen it change for decades. Mac studied at Willamette University where she received a B.A. Sociology and held a prestigious scholarship for Theatre, spending much of their four years studying the art form. As a general support staff person, Mac works with the 3-6 year olds, the elementary learners and the guides in their environments, to do what they can to further the Montessori experience for everyone. They value safety and compassion, and are deeply interested in people and how they come to be. (Hence Sociology and Theatre.)

As a new Montessorian, learning the philosophy and praxis has felt life affirming, and she is eager to continue learning every day. Some of the things they love most are playing guitar, seeing art and listening to music, writing, cooking, walking, watching tv and hanging out with friends.