our admission process

1. Let’s begin a conversation

Please use this short form to note your interest in receiving some communication about our Preschool/Kindergarten, Elementary or Middle School programs. We will then schedule a phone conversation with you to tell you more about Puddletown and answer any of your questions. 

2. See our school!

Next we would love to show you the school. We will schedule a caregiver visit for you to come see the program(s) that are of interest to you and your family. Middle School visits can be virtual or in-person.

3. Application

After our initial conversations, complete an electronic application here. There is no cost or commitment required to submit an application.

Puddletown School may then request additional information or conversation before moving on to the next step. Caregivers of prospective Middle Schoolers will schedule a time to speak with the Lead Guide and set up a day for your young person to “shadow”/visit the program.

4. Reserve a space

Puddletown feeling like a good fit? Reserve a space with the $500 New Child Registration Fee. (See Fees section here.) If Puddletown is full for the year you are interested in, there is no fee to join the wait list.

Puddletown School invites any child whose family is interested in early childhood, elementary, or middle school aged Montessori education to apply for entrance to our Montessori program, no matter a family’s financial situation. Please see Financial Assistance and Deductions section here. If attending Puddletown School seems cost-prohibitive for your family’s current financial situation, please fill out this FACTS form and we can start a conversation about financial support.

Each year we typically have the most openings for three year olds in our classrooms for 3-6 year olds; the preschool/kindergarten program is built on a commitment from our families to staying through the kindergarten year, so as our graduates move on to elementary we fill those spots with younger children. Although there are fewer spots, we do occasionally have room for older preschool-kindergarten age children (4-5). In the Elementary and Middle School programs, we are accepting applications for first through eighth graders at this time.

Every year, Puddletown School attempts to achieve a balance of age, self-identified gender, and Montessori experience within our classrooms. Puddletown strives to become a school where all children and families are welcome, feel welcome, and see themselves reflected here. Puddletown School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in hiring, promoting, or training of employees, nor in the admissions, rights, privileges, programs and activities of its learners.

Generally, Puddletown is not equipped outright nor licensed to care for children with disabilities requiring specialized equipment or one-on-one aides; therefore any such care is conditional upon the family/caregivers and staff properly arranging for the child’s needs to be met. It is the goal for each child to be able to participate in and substantially benefit from this Montessori program without risk to themself or other children. Puddletown School reserves the right to limit entrance to the program or ask that a child be unenrolled from the program after a trial period, based on whether or not we have or can successfully access and implement the tools and strategies to best support a child’s needs, or whether we’ve been able to successfully collaborate with a family and/or a child’s outside support professionals to get the child’s needs met.