Sword Fern Feb/March Blog

This month we had an Art Walk. The theme was Black Joy because it is Black History Month. Our art work was inspired by Black artists, including sculptors, muralists and fiber artists. Other classes contributed as well. Elementary made art inspired by Black artists too, they chose as inspiration artists that were different from ours, while the Primary classes showed off their self portraits. Parents and children could walk through while docents gave them information about the art. We raised about $250 in donations which will be given to the Black Montessori Education Fund. BMEF has a mission to increase engagement and positive experiences for Black children and adults. https://blackmontessorieducationfund.org/. If you missed attending the Art Walk in person, the docent tour video will be available soon. 


The Swordfern class did CPR and First Aid training this month. We learned how to give CPR, use an AED, how to bandage and treat wounds. We watched videos about lots of different scenarios, and took quizzes on what to do. A professional expert came in to show us how to do CPR on mannequins, and how to use medical equipment found in a First Aid kit. The whole class is now CPR and First Aid certified! 


We set up a weather station outside and it tells us the wind speed, the weather, the temperature and the pressure and other stuff. It connects to our phone and has a little screen inside the classroom with the information on it.


We went to a farm called Kindness Farm and we picked arugula and some other leafy thing. Kindness Farm gives all their food to people who need it .They are a nonprofit .There are goats.


For the past few months we have been working on learning Spanish. Recently, we have restored some old bingo cards on different types of words like fruits, vegetables, furniture and buildings. We also do 20 minutes of Spanish duolingo every week.


We have been researching countries based on our heritage. Jonas has worked on Scotland, Stella has worked on the Czech Republic and Felix has worked on Argentina. Each study goes through the same process with geography explored first then history then the society and then religions. 




Tuesday, April 2, 2023

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