Puddletown Hall

Our cookbook

Noble Rot’s rooftop garden

Happy guests

Auction shoppers

More happy guests

Katherine Deumling talking about cooking with what you have

Marc Boucher Colbert talking about planting seeds

Mark Bitterman talking about salt

Leather Storrs teaching us all how to make a simple vinagrette

thank you and program card

Our beautiful meal

A special thanks to the Storrs family, Marc Boucher Colbert, Katherine Deumling

Mark Bitterman, the Noble Rot staff, the O’Neal family, and Bodeene Berrevoets for the beautiful photos.

We raised over $4000 that will go towards scholarships and special programs at Puddletown.

A visit from Genevieve

This afternoon Genevieve visited and told us about her new school. She brought some projects and answered questions.

The extended day children prepared fruit salad, muffins, and sparkling cider for the occasion.  It is always great to hear about what adventures our graduates have. The main topic of the day was the cafeteria! Thanks for coming Genevieve. It was great to see you!